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Driving After Cataract Surgery

Your cataract surgery is booked (or due), you’re psyching yourself up for it to happen, and… You’ve got a gazillion questions that you forgot to ask. 

Don’t worry… Your surgeon will run through everything you need to know before the procedure is carried out. However, one of the most commonly asked questions is: how soon can you get back in the driving seat?

The short answer is, possibly, after 24-48 hours. But there are many factors surrounding this, so it pays to do your homework.

All the Variables Surrounding Driving After Cataract Surgery

  • What’s the soonest I can drive after cataract surgery?
  • What’s the worst-case scenario?
  • What do I need to consider before I drive after cataract surgery?

What’s the soonest I can drive after cataract surgery?

There’s an outside chance that you might be back behind the wheel after 24 hours. However, you should wait until your surgeon gives you the OK before you do so.

Many people experience improved vision almost immediately after their procedure. If this applies to you and, as long as you meet the minimum eyesight standards for driving, then you can legally hit the road once again.

However, many factors will determine how long it’ll take for your vision to settle post-op. Many people take a week or longer to return to driving.

What’s the worst-case scenario?

In the worst case, it might take the full 8-12 weeks of recovery time before you can resume driving. This is especially relevant if you need to wait until your eyesight has settled before you can be prescribed new eyeglasses.

What do I need to consider before I drive after cataract surgery?

As well as having the vision that legally allows you to drive, you’ll also need to feel up to it. While the majority of people get over the effects of the operation within 24-48 hours, if you don’t feel like driving then don’t.

Any post-op side effects should also have dissipated before you drive, such as:

  • Sensitivity to light 
  • Grittiness
  • Excessive watering
  • Blurred vision
  • Double vision

There’s plenty that you can do to help aid the healing process and get you promptly back behind the wheel. These include:

  • Follow your surgeon’s instructions— use eye drops and take the prescribed medication..
  • Wear your eye shield as instructed.
  • Drink plenty of water.
  • Eat a healthy diet with plenty of fruit and vegetables.
  • Reduce or stop alcohol consumption.
  • Don’t smoke and stay out of smoky atmospheres.
  • Manage other health conditions.
  • Don’t do too much too soon.
  • Use your eye as normal—watch TV, read books, use a computer, etc.

While you shouldn’t undertake heavy exercise, gently walking and moving about (rather than sitting for extended periods) will help your blood circulate. This ensures the delivery of healing nutrients to the eye, thus promoting your recovery. While you’ll need to wear sunglasses when outside for a few weeks, this is a great opportunity to discover (or rediscover) the wonders of Mother Nature and take gentle walks outside.

If your mobility isn’t as it used to be (perhaps you use a walking aid or are in a wheelchair), there are plenty of ways you can move around and get the blood flowing. Think of these few weeks as an opportunity to revitalize your body. The more you do, the sooner you’ll be back driving and taking full advantage of your new and improved vision.

Contact the WBEC to get Answers to All Your Cataract FAQs (including driving after cataract surgery)

When you entrust your cataract care to the experts at the West Boca Eye Center, you can rest safe in the knowledge that you’re under the watchful eye of one of the best specialist surgeons in the world.

Headed by Dr. Brent Bellotte—a man who’s considered by his peers to be a global expert in all things cataract—you can be sure that you’ll be given all the relevant info surrounding your op, aftercare, and when you can get back into the driving seat.

Head to to find out more.

Driving After Cataract Surgery
Driving After Cataract Surgery

Your cataract surgery is booked (or due), you’re psyching yourself up for it to happen, and… You’ve got a gazillion questions that you forgot to ask. 

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Specializing in modern cataract surgery.

Located 1/2 miles North of West Boca Medical Center on Glades Road, directly behind Macy's Furniture Gallery.

West Boca Eye Center
9325 Glades Road, Suite 201.
Boca Raton, FL 33434

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